Wall Blush Content Brief

Q & A Video

Apply For Creative Brief

About Brief



Due 15 days after delivery of product


Produce an informative and engaging Q&A video where we address common and unique questions about wallpaper—ranging from selection and installation to maintenance and styling tips. This video aims to educate our audience, alleviate concerns, and spark interest in our wallpaper collections.

Objective: To establish our brand as a trustworthy source of knowledge in the wallpaper industry and to strengthen customer relationships by directly addressing their queries in an approachable and insightful manner.

Target Audience: Homeowners, renters, DIY enthusiasts, interior designers, and anyone considering wallpaper for their decorating projects.

Type of Video: Educational Q&A

Video Length: 1-10 minutes


  1. Main Video: A comprehensive Q&A session that covers a wide range of wallpaper-related topics.

Content Guidelines:

  • Setting: A cozy, well-decorated space that features our wallpaper products in the background to subtly showcase their appeal.
  • Host: Choose a charismatic and knowledgeable host, possibly a design expert or a charismatic member of our team, who can convey information clearly and warmly.
  • Questions: Compile a list of frequently asked questions submitted by customers through social media, email, or in-store interactions. Include some surprising or less common questions to add an element of intrigue.
  • Tone: Informative yet casual, making the information accessible to viewers with different levels of expertise.

Creative Freedom:

  • Encourage the host to share personal anecdotes or experiences related to wallpaper, making the session more relatable and engaging.
  • Allow for spontaneous, additional tips or advice that the host might think of during the filming.


Aspect Ratio: 9:16

Content Creation and Submission

1.1. The creator agrees to create and submit raw images and/or videos ("Content") related to their project in collaboration with the Company.

1.2. The creator must upload the Content to the Company's brand folder using the following link: [https://affiliate.wallblush.com/upload-your-content].

1.3. If the project brief calls for a social media post, the creator is still required to upload the raw assets to the brand folder using the link provided.

2-3 Minutes


Product Trade + 10% Affiliate Sale

$500 in Product Trade + 40% OFF Coupon

Do's ✅

  • Clearly explain each question before providing the answer to ensure viewers can follow along easily.
  • Use visual aids or cutaways to demonstrate techniques or show examples when discussing more complex topics.
  • Encourage viewers to submit their questions for future videos, fostering ongoing engagement.
  • Ensure the video is well-paced, with a good balance between detailed explanations and concise advice.

Don'ts ❌

  • Avoid using technical jargon without explanations—keep the language simple and understandable.
  • Don't rush through answers; give each question the time it deserves to be thoroughly addressed.
  • Avoid overly scripted responses; maintain a natural and conversational tone.
  • Do not ignore the opportunity to direct viewers to your website or store for more information or to view the wallpaper collections.


Terms & Conditions

All content must be uploaded to Wall Blush and posted by outlined brief deadlines in order to be considered for compensation and future collaborations. Failure to meet all brief requirements and deadline will lead to voided payment and removal from Wall Blush Affiliate Program.

1. ENGAGEMENT. Company hereby engages influencer during the Term (as defined herein) not only for the purpose of promoting certain brands and brand content through influencers’s social media outlets. The Campaign, for the purposes of this Agreement, constitutes a planned series of marketing and promotional activities developed by the Company with the objective of leveraging the influencer's creative talents for both promoting existing brands and brand content. The nature of the brand content to be promoted and the specific details and requirements of the promotion. Influencer agrees to be engaged for the dual purposes of promoting the brand content and designing new wallpaper designs, adhering to the guidelines found within this Agreement and any additional directions provided by the Company as related to design creation.

‍2. ITEMS TO AVOID IN DESIGNER’S POSTS. The Influencer agrees that all social media posts, tweets, and/or comments should be in good taste and free of inappropriate language and/or any content promoting bigotry, racism or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

3. APPROVAL AND CONTENT ORIGINATION. The Influencer understands that all promotions and products they promote as part of this Agreement are controlled by the Company. The Influencer assumes all responsibility for verifying that the campaign materials used meet the Company’s approval.  

4. MATERIAL DISCLOSURES AND COMPLIANCE WITH FTC GUIDELINES. When publishing posts/statuses about the Company’s products or services, the Influencer must clearly disclose his/her “material connection” with the Company, including the fact that the Influencer was given any consideration, was provided with certain experiences or is being paid for a particular service. The above disclosure should be clear and prominent and made in close proximity to any statements that the Influencer makes about the Company or the Company’s products or services.Please note that this disclosure is required regardless of any space limitations of the medium (e.g. Twitter), where the disclosure can be made via Hashtags, e.g. #sponsored. The Designer’s statements should always reflect the Designer’s honest and truthful opinions and actual experiences. The Influencer should only make factual statements about the Company or the Company’s products which the Influencer knows for certain are true and can be verified.


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